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pyhrf.ndarray module

This module provides classes and functions to handle multi-dimensionnal numpy array (ndarray) objects and extend them with some semantics (axes labels and axes domains). See xndarray class. (TODO: make xndarray inherit numpy.ndarray?)

exception pyhrf.ndarray.ArrayMappingError

Bases: exceptions.Exception

pyhrf.ndarray.expand_array_in_mask(flat_data, mask, flat_axis=0, dest=None, m=None)

Map the flat_axis of flat_data onto the region within mask. flat_data is then reshaped so that flat_axis is replaced with mask.shape.


m is the result of np.where(mask) -> can be passed to speed up if already done before.


>>> a = np.array([1,2,3])
>>> m = np.array([[0,1,0], [0,1,1]] )
>>> expand_array_in_mask(a,m)
array([[0, 1, 0],
       [0, 2, 3]])
>>> a = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]])
>>> m = np.array([[0,1,0], [0,1,1]] )
>>> expand_array_in_mask(a,m,flat_axis=1)
array([[[0, 1, 0],
        [0, 2, 3]],

       [[0, 4, 0],
        [0, 5, 6]]])
pyhrf.ndarray.merge(arrays, mask, axis, fill_value=0)

Merge the given arrays into a single array according to the given mask, with the given axis being mapped to those of mask. Assume that arrays[id] corresponds to mask==id and that all arrays are in the same orientation.

  • arrays (dict of xndarrays):
  • mask (xndarray): defines the mapping between the flat axis in the
    arrays to merge and the target expanded axes.
  • axis (str): flat axis for the
pyhrf.ndarray.split_and_save(cub, axes, fn, meta_data=None, set_MRI_orientation=False, output_dir=None, format_dvalues=False)
pyhrf.ndarray.stack_cuboids(c_list, axis, domain=None, axis_pos='first')

Stack xndarray instances in list c_list along a new axis label axis. If domain (numpy array or list) is provided, it is associated to the new axis. All cuboids in c_list must have the same orientation and domains. axis_pos defines the position of the new axis: either first or last.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyhrf.ndarray import xndarray, stack_cuboids
>>> c1 = xndarray(np.arange(4*3).reshape(4,3), ['x','y'])
>>> c1
axes: ['x', 'y'], array([[ 0,  1,  2],
       [ 3,  4,  5],
       [ 6,  7,  8],
       [ 9, 10, 11]])
>>> c2 = xndarray(np.arange(4*3).reshape(4,3)*2, ['x','y'])
>>> c2
axes: ['x', 'y'], array([[ 0,  2,  4],
       [ 6,  8, 10],
       [12, 14, 16],
       [18, 20, 22]])
>>> c_stacked = stack_cuboids([c1,c2], 'stack_axis', ['c1','c2'])
>>> print c_stacked.descrip()  
* shape : (2, 4, 3)
* dtype : int64
* orientation: ['stack_axis', 'x', 'y']
* value label: value
* axes domains:
  'stack_axis': array(['c1', 'c2'],
  'x': arange(0,3,1)
  'y': arange(0,2,1)

TODO: enable broadcasting (?)

pyhrf.ndarray.tree_to_xndarray(tree, level_labels=None)

Stack all arrays within input tree into a single array.

  • tree (dict) – nested dictionaries of xndarray objects. Each level of the tree correspond to a target axis, each key of the tree correspond to an element of the domain associated to that axis.
  • level_labels (list of str) – axis labels corresponding to each level of the tree

Return type:

xndarray object


>>> from pyhrf.ndarray import xndarray, tree_to_xndarray
>>> d = { 1 : { .1 : xndarray([1,2], axes_names=['inner_axis']),                     .2 : xndarray([3,4], axes_names=['inner_axis']),                   },                                                               2 : { .1 : xndarray([1,2], axes_names=['inner_axis']),                     .2 : xndarray([3,4], axes_names=['inner_axis']),                   }                                                              }
>>> tree_to_xndarray(d, ['level_1', 'level_2'])
axes: ['level_1', 'level_2', 'inner_axis'], array([[[1, 2],
        [3, 4]],

       [[1, 2],
        [3, 4]]])
class pyhrf.ndarray.xndarray(narray, axes_names=None, axes_domains=None, value_label='value', meta_data=None)

Handles a multidimensional numpy array with axes that are labeled and mapped to domain values.


>>> c = xndarray( [ [4,5,6],[8,10,12] ], ['time','position'], {'time':[0.1,0.2]} )

Will represent the following situation:

4  5  6 | t=0.1   |time
8 10 12 | t=0.2   v
add(c, dest=None)
cexpand(cmask, axis, dest=None)

Same as expand but mask is a cuboid

TODO: + unit test

cflatten(cmask, new_axis)

Return copy of the current cuboid. Domains are copied with a shallow dictionnary copy.


Return a printable string describing the cuboid.

divide(c, dest=None)
expand(mask, axis, target_axes=None, target_domains=None, dest=None, do_checks=True, m=None)

Create a new xndarray instance (or store into an existing dest cuboid) where axis is expanded and values are mapped according to mask.

  • target_axes is a list of the names of the new axes replacing axis.
  • target_domains is a dict of domains for the new axes.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from pyhrf.ndarray import xndarray
>>> c_flat = xndarray(np.arange(2*6).reshape(2,6).astype(np.int64),                               ['condition', 'voxel'],                               {'condition' : ['audio','video']})
>>> print c_flat.descrip()  
* shape : (2, 6)
* dtype : int64
* orientation: ['condition', 'voxel']
* value label: value
* axes domains:
  'condition': array(['audio', 'video'],
  'voxel': arange(0,5,1)
>>> mask = np.zeros((4,4,4), dtype=int)
>>> mask[:3,:2,0] = 1
>>> c_expanded = c_flat.expand(mask, 'voxel', ['x','y','z'])
>>> print c_expanded.descrip()  
* shape : (2, 4, 4, 4)
* dtype : int64
* orientation: ['condition', 'x', 'y', 'z']
* value label: value
* axes domains:
  'condition': array(['audio', 'video'],
  'x': arange(0,3,1)
  'y': arange(0,3,1)
  'z': arange(0,3,1)
explode(cmask, new_axis='position')

Explode array according to the given n-ary mask so that axes matchin those of mask are flatten into new_axis.

  • mask (-) – n-ary mask that defines “regions” used to split data
  • new_axis (-) – target flat axis

dict of xndarray that maps a mask value to a xndarray.

explode_a(mask, axes, new_axis)

Explode array according to given n-ary mask so that axes are flatten into new_axis.

  • mask (-) – n-ary mask that defines “regions” used to split data
  • axes (-) – list of axes in the current object that are mapped onto the mask
  • new_axis (-) – target flat axis

dict of xndarray that maps a mask value to a xndarray.

flatten(mask, axes, new_axis)

flatten cudoid.

TODO: +unit test


Return domains associated to axes as a dict (axis_name:domain array)


Return the index of all axes in given axes_names


Return the id of an axis from the given name.


Return the name of an axis from the given index ‘axis_id’.


Return the domain of the axis axis_id


>>> from pyhrf.ndarray import xndarray
>>> c = xndarray(np.random.randn(10,2), axes_names=['x','y'],                        axes_domains={'y' : ['plop','plip']})
>>> (c.get_domain('y') == np.array(['plop', 'plip'], dtype='|S4')).all()
>>> c.get_domain('x') #default domain made of slice indexes
array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
get_domain_idx(axis, value)

Get slice index from domain value for axis ‘axis’.


Return the shape of the array as dict mapping an axis name to the corresponding size


Return an axis label not already in use. Format is: dim%d


Return the size of a voxel along ‘axis’, only if meta data is available.

static load(file_name)

Load cuboid from file. Supported format: nifti1. Extra axis information is retrieved from a nifti extension if available. If it’s not available, label the axes as: (sagittal, coronal, axial[, time]).

TODO: gifti.


Reshape the array by mapping the axis corresponding to xmapping.value_label onto the shape of xmapping.

Parameters:xmapping (xndarray) – array whose attribute value_label matches an axis of the current array
Return type:a new array (xndarray) where values from the current array have been mapped according to xmapping


>>> from pyhrf.ndarray import xndarray
>>> import numpy as np
>>> # data with a region axis:
>>> data = xndarray(np.arange(2*4).reshape(2,4).T * .1,                                ['time', 'region'],                                           {'time':np.arange(4)*.5, 'region':[2, 6]})
>>> data
axes: ['time', 'region'], array([[ 0. ,  0.4],
       [ 0.1,  0.5],
       [ 0.2,  0.6],
       [ 0.3,  0.7]])
>>> # 2D spatial mask of regions:
>>> region_map = xndarray(np.array([[2,2,2,6], [6,6,6,0], [6,6,0,0]]),                                   ['x','y'], value_label='region')
>>> # expand region-specific data into region mask
>>> # (duplicate values)
>>> data.map_onto(region_map)
axes: ['x', 'y', 'time'], array([[[ 0. ,  0.1,  0.2,  0.3],
        [ 0. ,  0.1,  0.2,  0.3],
        [ 0. ,  0.1,  0.2,  0.3],
        [ 0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7]],

       [[ 0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7],
        [ 0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7],
        [ 0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7],
        [ 0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ]],

       [[ 0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7],
        [ 0.4,  0.5,  0.6,  0.7],
        [ 0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ],
        [ 0. ,  0. ,  0. ,  0. ]]])
multiply(c, dest=None)

Return a cuboid with new orientation. If cuboid is already in the right orientation, then return the current cuboid. Else, create a new one.

repeat(n, new_axis, domain=None)

Return a new cuboid with self’s data repeated ‘n’ times along a new axis labelled ‘new_axis’. Associated ‘domain’ can be provided.

rescale_values(v_min=0.0, v_max=1.0, axis=None)
roll(axis, pos=-1)

Roll xndarray by making ‘axis’ the last axis. ‘pos’ is either 0 or -1 (first or last, respectively) TODO: handle all pos.

save(file_name, meta_data=None, set_MRI_orientation=False)

Save cuboid to a file. Supported format: Nifti1. ‘meta_data’ shoud be a 2-elements tuple: (affine matrix, Nifti1Header instance). If provided, the meta_data attribute of the cuboid is ignored. All extra axis information is stored as an extension.


Set orientation to sagittal,coronal,axial,[time|iteration|condition] Priority for the 4th axis: time > condition > iteration. The remaining axes are sorted in alphatical order

set_axis_domain(axis_id, domain)

Set the value domain mapped to axis_id as domain

  • axis_id (-) – label of the axis
  • domain (-) – value domain



Set the cuboid orientation (inplace) according to input axes labels


Split a cuboid along given axis. Return an OrderedDict of cuboids.


Remove all dims which have length=1. ‘axis’ selects a subset of the single-dimensional axes.

sub_cuboid(orientation=None, **kwargs)

Return a sub cuboid. ‘kwargs’ allows argument in the form: axis=slice_value.

sub_cuboid_from_slices(orientation=None, **kwargs)

Return a sub cuboid. ‘kwargs’ allows argument in the form: axis=slice_index.

substract(c, dest=None)
swapaxes(a1, a2)

Swap axes a1 and a2

  • a1 (-) – identifier of the 1st axis
  • a2 (-) – identifier of the 2nd axis

A new cuboid wrapping a swapped view of the numpy array

to_html_table(row_axes, col_axes, inner_axes, cell_format='txt', plot_dir=None, rel_plot_dir=None, plot_fig_prefix='xarray_', plot_style='image', plot_args=None, tooltip=False, border=None)

Render the array as an html table whose column headers correspond to domain values and axis names defined by col_axes, row headers defined by row_axes and inner cell axes defined by inner_axes Data within a cell can be render as text or as a plot figure (image files are produced)

Returns:html code (str)
to_latex(row_axes=None, col_axes=None, inner_axes=None, inner_separator=' | ', header_styles=None, hval_fmt=None, val_fmt='%1.2f', col_align=None)
to_tree(level_axes, leaf_axes)

Convert nested dictionary mapping where each key is a domain value and each leaf is an array or a scalar value if leaf_axes is empty.

Returns:{dv_axis1 : {dv_axis2 : {… : xndarray|scalar_type}
Return type:OrderedDict such as

Example: >>> from pyhrf.ndarray import xndarray >>> import numpy as np >>> c = xndarray(np.arange(4).reshape(2,2), axes_names=[‘a1’,’ia’], axes_domains={‘a1’:[‘out_dv1’, ‘out_dv2’], ‘ia’:[‘in_dv1’, ‘in_dv2’]}) >>> c.to_tree([‘a1’], [‘ia’]) OrderedDict([(‘out_dv1’, axes: [‘ia’], array([0, 1])), (‘out_dv2’, axes: [‘ia’], array([2, 3]))])

unstack(outer_axes, inner_axes)

Unstack the array along outer_axes and produce a xndarray of xndarrays

  • outer_axes (-) – list of axis names defining the target unstacked xndarray
  • inner_axes (-) – list of axis names of any given sub-array of the target unstacked xndarray

xndarray object

Example: >>> from pyhrf.ndarray import xndarray >>> import numpy as np >>> c = xndarray(np.arange(4).reshape(2,2), axes_names=[‘a1’,’ia’], axes_domains={‘a1’:[‘out_dv1’, ‘out_dv2’], ‘ia’:[‘in_dv1’, ‘in_dv2’]}) >>> c.unstack([‘a1’], [‘ia’]) axes: [‘a1’], array([axes: [‘ia’], array([0, 1]), axes: [‘ia’], array([2, 3])], dtype=object)

static xndarray_like(c, data=None)

Return a new cuboid from data with axes, domains and value label copied from ‘c’. If ‘data’ is provided then set it as new cuboid’s data, else a zero array like is used.

TODO: test

pyhrf.ndarray.xndarray_like(c, data=None)